Wednesday, October 08, 2008

What to do about Halloween

We are currently in discussion (a very positive discussion . . . in no way do I mean argument) in our house regarding Halloween. Usually I bring up a subject . . . ask my husband what he thinks . . . discover that we both agree, and we go on our merry way. In this case, we have decided not to do anything for Halloween, at least this year. Our reasons?

1) We don't like Halloween. As a general rule, we don't celebrate or participate in Halloween due to the nature of the "holiday".

2) We don't like candy. Oh, come on. Of course we like candy, but we don't really eat it often (and as Aunt Anne discovered on Thursday while babysitting Abigail, we don't have ANYTHING sweet in our house. Her best bet to calm her sweet tooth would have been organic raisin bran cereal. Seriously.). We won't feed it to our kid, and I don't like passing out something to other kids that I don't think is good for them.

3) Time. When would I have time to get a costume?

4) She doesn't know what is going on and can hardly stay awake past 7 pm.

So, that's where we stand right now. I'm not sure what we'll agree on in the future. Our church has a harvest party on Halloween, so we'll probably be involved in that, rather than gathering candy that we don't need and probably won't be into letting our kid eat.


Another question for you moms . . . what did you do about brushing teeth? Abigail now has four teeth and is working on two more. When did you start brushing teeth and what did you use? Her babysitter advised me to use a wash cloth so we might try that and I have a finger brush but it seems harsh. I'm just interested in what others have done. I just read an article about how you should floss your baby's teeth when two are together. That seems a like a nightmare!


Jennifer said...

The only reason we do Halloween is 1)Uncle Windell sends the kids super cute costumes 2)Aaron can't pass up candy or giving out candy
I don't like the "holiday" either. And it just gets scarier every year with the decorations and costumes. We just take Anna to a handful of our friends' houses and that's it.
Teeth-when they were babies, I had a rubber finger "brush", I think it was Orajel brand, which came with some "toothpaste" for babies. It was soft, but DANGEROUS to stick my finger in there to clean the teeth!! I just use a toothbrush and kid's toothpaste on Jacob now. He LOVES having his teeth brushed. As for flossing...I don't even think about doing it. I don't floss my own teeth (I know, I'm horrible), so I don't see any reason to make my kids floss theirs! My nephew (3yrs.) gets his teeth flosses every single day and he HATES it--at least he did last time we saw him.

Unknown said...

Yes, I'm a terrible flosser too. I do have a rubber finger brush, so I guess we'll start with that.

Halloween would probably be different if we lived in Sterling. When we lived there, we turned off our porch light and still got trick-or-treaters but last year I bought candy AND had my porch light on all evening and no one came! So much for that!

Amanda Troyer said...

I didn't really start brushing Warren's teeth until he was a little over a year and eating a lot of "big people" food. I just use a baby tooth brush and sometimes but that baby tooth paste on it, sometimes I don't.

As for Halloween, Warren doesn't say much yet, and I told him when he can say trick-or-treat then he can go... but even then I might not. Kids don't need that much candy.

Arielle said...

We don't do halloween either. We don't feel the need to tell others to stop, we just don't celebrate it. We do go to church events (where do you go to church?!) because we aren't against fun or candy (in moderation of course, wink wink-my husband is called "the candy man"). But we just don't want to participate in one more money sucking materialistic pagan thing that smacks of evil.
In the past my witch friends (um, really) all talked about how much they loved halloween. They rejoiced in children finding razors in candy and cat sacrifices. So, we'll just bow out of this one.