Thursday, January 15, 2009

5:00 am Club?

I'm reading a great book called "Shopping for Time" that was given to me for Christmas. The first concept in the book to help you find more time in your day is to get up earlier. Right now I usually get up around 6:15 am for work. I shower, do my hair, get dressed, get baby awake and dressed, nurse baby, bundle baby, grab breakfast any baby supplies and head out the door. Most days I can get out the door by 7:20 am but it's a stretch. Here's a confession. . . most days I forget my own coat! (not today though . . . brrr!)

Andrew gets up before me. His daily goal is to get up by 5:30 am so he can get an extra hour or so in everyday. His company has flex time, which is SUPER nice, so he can take a day off here and there and not have to take actual vacation time. Most days he gets up around 5:45 am or 6:00 am.

My most recent frustrations in life include, forgetting things at home that I need at work, forgetting things for the baby (like diapers in the diaper bag), not having lunches for Andrew or myself, eating pre-packaged breakfasts for convenience, eating on the go, etc. I have been hit with the realization that I would be able to save myself time, frustration, lots of money, etc, if I only got up earlier.

I could pack the car while the baby is still asleep. I could make a healthy, nutritious breakfast and eat it at home, instead of in my car (which I do Every. Single. Day.). I could put my make-up on at home, instead of at work. I could pack lunches for Andrew and myself (I usually take mine) saving us LOTS of money.

I have not mentioned my plan to Andrew, or anyone else for that matter, because then I will have to do it. I have been getting up slightly earlier in order to read my Bible, but it's just not enough time. So, I'm telling everyone. I am not, however, planning on joining the 5:00 am club, like the book suggests. I just cannot lose that much sleep. My goal is to wake up (and get up) at 6:00 am. I'm just going to try it. I do have my alarm set for 6:00 am, but it is battery operated and I have the snooze button pressing down to an art. I can do it in my sleep (seriously). The baby is no longer waking at night (very very rarely) and so I can't use that as an excuse.

I have been convicted of the fact that taking care of my family should be a top priority and I'm just not quite making it. I should be providing them (ok, Andrew since I already do this for Abigail) with healthy and nutritious breakfasts and lunches. This will help. I hope I can do it. Feel free to hold me accountable! I'll try to let you know how my new quest is going from time to time.

1 comment:

TheXMom said...

I was a member of the 5 AM club for a long time,then stopped. I have found that I am a much happier person, and can get more done for my family if I get up early enough to have an hour to myself before I have to worry about the kids, and husband.