Friday, January 16, 2009

All Alone Again

I'm going to be all alone again this weekend. Andrew and his dad are headed to Kansas to work on our rental house (which we're trying to sell and/or rent at this point). Abigail and I will be hanging out by ourselves until Monday or Tuesday. I'm sure we'll miss the big guy!


  • The soup was pretty good. If I make it again, I'm going to add some other ingredients, like tomatoes but it was good for the first try. I put some garlic, onion flavoring, other spices and it tasted pretty good.
  • I actually got up earlier this morning (not quite at 6:00 am yet), and made my lunch, Andrew's lunch, and Andrew's breakfast. Abigail was awake by the time I got back upstairs so I fed her before my shower today. She does so well hanging out in her crib with a few books while I shower. I still didn't get the car loaded up or my breakfast eaten, so it would be to my advantage to try to not hit the snooze so much. I'll keep trying.
  • I'm glad I have the day off today. Lots of laundry needs to get done and my favorite thing . . . playing with my daughter!

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