Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy 2009

I'm still not back in the swing of things. Our house is slightly less messy than it was when we arrived but I have a long way to go. Abigail and I have minor colds too so I haven't been as energetic as I have the potential to be. Ugh! I'm ready for spring. Anyway, I don't have any resolutions per se but I'm hoping 2009 to be a year in which I continue to grow (by leaps and bounds) in my walk with my Lord and in all my other relationships. That's what it is all about, after all. That is my hope. I love this song and wanted to share the lyrics.

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus.
No sweeter name than I have ever known.
No sweeter name than the name of Jesus.

You are the light to my heart and my soul.
You are the light to the darkness around me.
You are the hope to the hopeless and broken.
You are the only truth and the way.

I love the new year. I think it might be my favorite time of year. It just feels fresh and full of opportunity. I suppose I should feel this way at each new day too.

Happy 2009!


Jenn said...

Oh, I can relate. Hang in there...slowly our home is getting back into some order.

I'm with you...ready for a fresh start, new opportunities, and pray for my relationship with the Lord to grow and grow even deeper this new year.

Thank you for blessing me this past year with your christian friendship. Looking forward to sharing 2009 adventure through the world of blogging. Jenn

Arielle said...

I agree about this time of year! I like getting the new planner out and filling in practices and whatnot. There are so many lovely blank spots in the new calendars. I like the idea of fresh starts and leaving regrets behind. I like that there is a hope and a promise. Yes, as you said, we should view every day like that, but there is just something special about the New Year.

I blogged about some organizing tools. I have been on a feast of organization. It is great! Slow but Great! I wanted to be re-inspired to get the house de-cluttered and have less stuff for which to care.

I bought Upwords-see ya round- since relationships are a priority and all. ;0)

Welcome home!!!

Unknown said...

Ari, bring upwords by anytime and we can practice so we can beat those "other" really good players!

Anonymous said...

I've been singing the song you wrote on your blog since yesterday--I love it and it's been wonderful to have a song in my heart. thanks for sharing!