I'm a big girl, pulling up and standing all by myself at the coffee table!
She took a major tumble right after this picture and hasn't managed to pull up on anything (except the crib rails) since this picture. Anyone want to guess how long it will be before she takes her first unassisted steps? My guess is before Christmas Day.
I've done well at not reading any blogs so far. I had extra time last night to clean the kitchen, fold some laundry, pray for some people in my life in need, and still get to bed early.
You'd be surprised at how long it will sometimes take to finally take that first step on their own! Anna waited until 15 months (after walking w/ us forEVER!) and Jacob still won't go on his own. I'm trying to wait patiently!!! :)
Very cute! I loved when my babies stood on their own! I am from Ohio, Dayton.
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