Friday, August 01, 2008


Andrew is better today. He can at least walk! :) His back is still pretty sore but things are looking much better. I was thinking how uncomfortable he would be on such long flights, plus I was wondering how I would manage getting all of our stuff everywhere. I'll probably still try to do more of the lifting but I'm glad I don't have to push a wheel chair!

We are heading out on the SuperFerry tomorrow morning. We will stay in Oahu for two nights and three days before our flight leaves for home. We're planning on visiting Pearl Harbor if Andrew's back is up for it. I won't have a computer there so I may not blog again until we get home.

I'll write a recap there. It will be nice for all of us to be in our own beds again, especially Abigail!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrew's improvement is an answer to prayer! I'm so thankful.

Love, Mom