Thursday, August 28, 2008


I feel ready for bed and it's only 7:15 pm! I suppose it is a combo of the most busiest week of the year at work, mixed with Abigail waking us up at 5:15 am. She's been sleeping pretty well but was HUNGRY very early this morning. I just laid down to feed her so we both got a little more sleep. Poor Andrew had to get up for the day at 5:30 am. He golfed most of the day with his co-workers. It was a company golf day or something like that.

Thanks for all the comments regarding decorating. I'm just so hesitant to even begin for fear I will make something look bad! I guess I pretty much know what I don't like and I go from there.

I also feel like we're having a milk crisis here at the Schechter household. Abigail has been on a rampage for milk lately. She at TWO SEVEN OUNCE bottles this afternoon. That is fourteen ounces, people. Sadly, I only pumped four so I'm WAY behind . . . and discouraged. I guess I'm going to have to add an evening pump. At least I got my new hand pump so I'm good to go with that. Perhaps it will make up at least some of the difference.

In work related news: My boss is moving forward very swiftly with finding someone to volunteer/sub for me on Fridays so I can have the day off! Every.single.week! I can't believe it. I certainly hope it happens and doesn't fall through. Have I mentioned lately how great the place I work is. If I haven't, I've been remiss. I love it there. I love the caring people. I love the environment and I love their flexibility with this new mom. Seriously, it's great people!

Ok, I'd better get moving on laundry and dishes before I fall asleep at the computer. It will be an early bedtime tonight!

P.S. I haven't forgotten about the Hawaii post. I'm still working on it. Does anyone who went with me remember what day we went to the Gazebo for breakfast? Susan, Maggie, Jennie, Carol, or Andrew (I think that's all of my readers on that side of the family - does Graham read this anymore?)? Do you remember?


Anonymous said...

Yes, we went there on Wednesday morning. I could go for a Macadamia Pancake and some Portuguese Sausage tomorrow morning for breakfast!

Jennifer said...

Oh honey. Jacob's been drinking 8 oz. bottles in one sitting for months! You're lucky! ;) Seriously though, when a friend of ours had trouble w/ her milk supply keeping up (she was in a wreck and had to pump and dump and not nurse for a while b/c of meds), her doc told her to take the supplement Fenugreek. It smells horrible, but it worked really well for her. You can get it at a GNC type store easily.

Unknown said...

I'm drinking 27 ounces of Fenugreek tea this morning. We'll see if it helps! Ah!

I talked her to babysitter this morning about not feeding her 7 ounces at 4:30 pm like yesterday. I don't want her to be hungry but she can wait 1/2 hour for me to get there!