Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Dentist!

Yesterday I had a dentist appointment. It was seriously the most painful experience I have ever had at the dentist. . . . and I have had a root canal, so that's saying a lot. The hygienist spent the whole time poking and scraping my gums, which seemed terribly unnecessary to me. Ouch! I turns out that I have some cavities. They mentioned that it was from pregnancy and breastfeeding. That seems weird to me since that is such a natural thing to go through, and something most women go though. I like the new dentist for several reasons but I'm not sure I can bring myself to go back for another cleaning with them, since it was SO incredibly painful! If there was one thing that my Bradley class taught me, it was to stand up for what you want when it comes to the doctor. I don't just sit back and let them do anything to me without asking questions. If I'm not happy, I'll go somewhere else!

Anyway, I couldn't tell if it was the gum trauma, the HUGE frappiccino that I drank, or some artificial sweetener that gave me a KILLER headache last night. I could hardly open my eyes. Thankfully Abigail went down very easily. She did wake up twice but she seemed very hungry both times, so I didn't mind getting up. I'm going to try and feed her "supper" tonight and see if that helps the hunger!


Arielle said...

The boys and I went to the dentist today. I am a bit sore, but not THAT bad.
I have had three pregnancies and nursed two boys- no cavities! Don't know what to tell you there.
I too wonder about their explanation. But then I rarely trust any medical advice. :0)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime!

First off, I loved your post on the joys/trials of being a working mom.

I, too, had problems with my gums after both girls. My dentist said it has to do with increased hormone levels and that it would go away when I finished nursing - and it did.