Monday, August 18, 2008

More on Food
That is another great article I found on baby food. I have had several people ask me about her food intake. Many of them are astonished that she doesn't eat more! I love this article because it continues to emphasize the importance of Abigail getting most/all of her nutrients from breastmilk.

She is really starting to enjoy bananas. I switched her to egg yolks (no whites!) over the weekend but I didn't get myself organized enough to have them for her today. They are difficult to transport, so we'll have to see what we can work out. I am also going to try pureed organic meat. I will get some today, as I have been slacking on the grocery shopping, and make up a batch tonight.


Kayla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kayla said...

i think i need to explain why i deleted the first comment. it asked if you had to cook the egg whites first. when i mentioned it to donnie he said that was so stupid and told me i better delete it. little did i know it would show up as a deleted comment. anyway. sorry for the really dumb question and the deleted comment. :-)

Unknown said...

I will answer your question as (believe it or not) many people have acted appalled that I would feed my kid raw egg. It's not raw! She doesn't eat the whites, just the yolk, and it is hard boiled.