Thursday, November 13, 2008

TV and Honesty

Here is a link to one of the articles regarding TV and infants/toddlers. Go read it and then come back.

Ok, you read that, right?

Good. In all honesty, Abigail has the opportunity to watch TV. We do not turn on kids programming "for her" at home. That's all the detail I'm going into . . . on purpose!

That being said, I must admit (to the shock and horror of some in my family) that there are times I wish Abigail would watch TV. Let me explain:

There is a race that I run every. single. day. It is the race between arriving home at 5:30 pm, getting dinner, getting Abigail's dinner, and getting her to bed. My daughter is a very good baby. She is generally happy and content - except when she's tired and then . . . oh my, can the child whine any more?!

When she has a bedtime (her choice, not ours) at 6 pm to 6:30 pm, the 1/2 hour between 5:30 pm and 6:00 pm when I'm trying to make dinner and get things around is HAIRY! Usually she spends that time whining while sitting on the floor by my feet, distracted in my arms (hmm, hard to manuver carrying a baby and cooking), crying in the exersaucer, or if by some significant stroke of luck that Daddy is home, she can be distracted by playing while I cook.

Many days I just wish I could pop in a DVD and have her sit there and watch for some peace! That is my honesty dose for the day. I haven't done it and I will try my hardest not too but still . . . the wishfulness is still there. I'm not writing this post to judge others who may choose to let their kids watch TV. Believe me, I understand the draw!

*Scheduled post*

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