Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby #2

Did I scare you or thrill you with my title?! Ha ha ha! I hope so.

Nope, I'm not pregnant. Thank goodness. Several of my bloggy friends have written about this subject lately and instead of copy what they say in my own words, I'll let you read their posts because I'm lazy. Enjoy!

Just for the record . . . THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL:


I am in awe of those mom's who have many children or who have them close together. Seriously, if you survived, please tell me how... Cause I have one who is a good baby, and I have a LOT of help and still feel overwhelmed by all I have to do to keep her safe, healthy, and happy. Perhaps I'm just extremely selfish. That is a definite possibility.

We had MOPS tonight and the speaker was great. She talked about how truly loving someone else is not placing responsibility on them for your happiness. Therefore, she was getting at the fact that taking care of yourself (within reason - it can be taken too far, I think) is very important. She also talked about not striving to be perfect and letting God co-parent.

All things I'm pondering this morning.


Travis Troyer said...

LOL. I have 2 boys 22months and 4 months. I plan on trying for our third when our 4 month old is a year... that puts me at having a 3 year old (+3months), an almost 2 year old (-3months), and a newborn. :-D I hope I'm ready cause that's how its going to happen if I have it my way. LOL

Unknown said...

Alrighty - want to share how you're doing all this? I'd love to know!

Amanda Troyer said...

I'm not! I'm surviving! I think that's the only way it works...LOL

Sam said...

I babysit for two little boys ages 27 months and 11 months on the side. I'm exhausted after just 4-5 hours with them, granted the two year old has some developmental issues that make it a bit more tricky.

Amanda Troyer said...

BTW I guess I was logged in as my hubby up there Travis = me