Friday, November 14, 2008

Grateful Friday - What a day!

I am grateful for:

  • A great check up at the doctor. He said she couldn't be any healthier (even though she has a stuffy nose still). She weighed in at 19 lbs, was 29 1/2 inches long, and has a big head (18 1/2 inches). She is in the 99% for height and head but has dropped down to 50% for weight. The doctor said, "Look at her though, she weighs enough." Ha ha!
  • I am grateful for the day off. Got laundry done, some cleaning, and some shopping.
  • I am grateful for my father-in-law who installed our baby gate upstairs. It allowed me to clean the whole upstairs while Abigail was "loose". We both had fun! :)
  • I am grateful for my nice warm bed. Since Abigail has been getting up at night for the past week or so, I'm going to hit the sack EARLY!
  • I am grateful for my washer and dryer. I really am! I was just thinking how lucky we are to have all these things that wash and dry for us. Just imagine how people spent their time before these appliances were invented. Lots of work!

I am pretty much on my own today. Andrew is at a guys night tonight. I am grateful (should have put this above) that he has the chance to hang out with friends. He came home for 45 minutes or so and fed and bathed the baby to give me a break. I'm grateful for that too!

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