The doctor said she has a bad case of eczema and gave us a few different things to try. He is a holistic doctor, so he is into treating the whole person. He has a medical degree too. I feel so good going to him because he will take a look at the whole picture. We LOVE him. I'm so glad that I found him when Abigail was born. Andrew and I probably ought to go as a new patient . . . so we actually have a doctor, just in case we would ever need to go.
Anyway, he did give me a prescription for cortizone cream. I'm sure that is what stopped the itching last night but he also gave me some other things to try: a homeopathic remedy, and diet limitations for me (no dairy, eggs, soy, citrus, chocolate, or peanuts).
My mom and the lady I talked to at the health food store gave me ideas for other things to try to clear this up, so I am taking extra fish oil, vitamin B, and probiotics to help her. I also tried putting a little epsom salt in her bath to help soothe the skin and we got some calendula cream. Whew! I think that's it. Oh, I left her out of her diaper for almost 2 hours yesterday afternoon! I had puppy pads (yes, funny, I know) for her to lay on the floor on, but I had her outside for about an hour of that and she peed on me three times! I was soaked with baby pee but I didn't care. It was fun! She laughed and giggled every time she went on me like it was fun! :)
I'm not getting my hopes up that she will sleep through every night but hopefully this will settle her down and help her sleep! I really want to try and have this cleared up by the time we take our trip to Hawaii. It would be miserable for everyone to have any itchy baby on a 7 hour plane ride!
I am surprised at how good my attitude has been about the diet thing. I've been praying for a good attitude A LOT lately. I am just excited that someone is making me eat this way. Hopefully I will lose some weight in the process! :) I had a banana and blueberries for breakfast and I'm hungry! I have got to figure out what to eat for breakfast! I'm thinking of rice milk with a few things. I've just got to get some. For lunch I have carrots, an apple, veggie chips, and a homemade chicken salad sandwich, without the mayo (eggs and dairy in that). I hope that is all free of the stuff I'm not supposed to eat. It's hard to remember everything!
That's it for the update today. I was starting to feel like she was a newborn again (and sort of "baby blues ish") last night. If you haven't experienced that . . . it's rough. A good nights sleep did the trick. I feel like a new person today. Here are a few pictures from the last week.
She was still very tired this morning and fell asleep before we left the house! She's probably just as worn out as we are by not being able to sleep. She only got about 9 hours last night and should have between 10 to 12 for her age. We'll work on an earlier bedtime tonight.
1 comment:
Yea!!!! So glad you figured it out. What a relief!
Both of my kids have always been tummy sleepers. Esp. Anna. I couldn't lay her on her back to sleep as an infant (I know, I know..."back to sleep")--I'd swaddle her up tight and lay her on her back. She'd grunt and wiggle until she got her arms out (sometimes out of her jammies too!). She would fall asleep, but then would startle and jump every 15 min. and wake up. She would also sleep on her side, but it wasn't long before she could roll herself over to her tummy. And she also started sleeping like that picture of Abigail--at the top of her crib laying across the short way! She slept that way for a long time--far past when she fit, but it didn't matter how many times we moved her down, she'd move right back up!
Sorry for the long comment! I'm really really glad things are getting better! I think we figured out Jacob's for sure now too--teeth. He started drooling constantly and is now congested...wonder how many he'll get this time?!
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