Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm Shrinking, Cable TV, and the Dentist!!

Wow! I had my first weigh-in since April 22nd this morning. I didn't wait that long on purpose but I just kept forgetting to weigh myself. I now weigh . . . . wait a minute, I'm not ready to be THAT open and honest. I did, however, lose three pounds from my last weigh-in. That may not seem like a lot but they were three GOOD pounds. Meaning, I didn't step on the scale and lean to get to a certain weight or bounce at all. I simply walked upstairs, closed my eyes and stepped on the scale (then, yes I did look down to see the number). I also know that I didn't do really well at eatting in Ohio so I probably gained a little of it back, so I may have been down from what I am now and didn't even know it!

We finally decided to get cable TV. We decided that we would get it for our anniversary gift to each other but I was having second thoughts. It is just so much expense for the time we actually will be watching. We finally broke down and purchased it yesterday. Should be hooked up today. I rationalized with myself that the shows we would probably watch would be primarily educational in nature (history channel, HGTV, TLC, etc), so we'll see about that. So, now if you ever visit us you will be in the lap of luxury even more than you were before! (just kidding) :) I'm sure that my brother will be very happy as well (he can watch MORE sports when he comes over to do his laundry)! :)

Well, I FINALLY made an appointment at the dentist for Andrew. I'm not sure how many years it has been since he has seen the dentist, but it has been a while, I'm sure. His appointment is in about 15 minutes. I sure hope there aren't any cavities. That would be a miracle, wouldn't it?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaime - we would all be happy if you updated your blog daily!!!