Saturday, June 18, 2005

If you write, I'll write

I just want to let all my faithful readers know that I am a lot more likely to blog often, perhaps daily, if there are comments to spur me on. Feel free to comment at anytime. Anyway, thanks to those who have commented so far.

I haven't written lately because not much as gone on, but I will give an update anyway. I have one of the worst things in the world (in my opinion) . . . a cold in the summer. Andrew had this last week and now I am stuck with the sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, etc. I even missed my first day of work for illness on Friday. I knew I didn't have a fever but my throat was so sore I could hardly concentrate, so I came home from work after braving it for an hour!

My precious puppy has been such a good companion for me. I'm sure he likes being out of his crate as well. He mostly has just snuggled with me the whole time. It is 9:00 p.m. here and I am starting to feel a bit stir crazy. I can think of all these things I want to get done but I just don't feel like doing much. I made the bed, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher today and that was about it besides laying on the couch. Well, I'd better return to my spot on the couch with my Kleenex and cough drops close by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always think its funny that in the times I get sick.. they are usually at the most inconvenient... and perhaps God is trying to tell me to slow down... i'm not good a resting and being still ;) i hope you get some rest!