Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This is Torture!

Still no word from the church. Every day I wake up and wonder if I will hear from them today. I want to wait and be patient but it is so very hard. Sometimes I wish I could just call them up but I want to give them plenty of time. I'm sure they aren't rushing because they do have an interim person in the position now. Anyway, enough about that. I have done all I can do. I have sent a thank you note and a follow up email.

Another note: Teeth are very expensive! Did you know that? Well, we have just gotten done paying for some fillings and now we just got the bill for my root canal. The endodontist did take a percentage off of the price (which we are VERY thankful for) but thing like that are still so expensive. I think I am in the wrong profession. Since I have gotten the pain relieved in my mouth from the root canal, I think I will hold off just a bit on my wisdom teeth, for one; to see if I get the job in Ohio (if so maybe they have dental or a better plan for surgeries), and two; just to space out my dental treatments! I can't take much more! I won't wait too long though.

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