Monday, October 05, 2009

Long time!

I can't believe that I haven't written anything since Wednesday! Very unintentional!

Thanks for all the ideas for food. I will see what I get around to making in the time I have left. I at least have a few meals in the freezer and that makes me feel better.

I still didn't get around to making a meal plan for this week. I have some leftover soups (yummy, yummy, homemade tomato soup - my mom's recipe. And yummy, yummy, beef and veggie soup from Grandma M. - which Abigail LOVES) so we may be having soup and sandwiches a few times this week.

I managed to get the house in semi-clean shape this weekend. Of course, with a toddler, nothing is ever like I would really like it to be. I did get the downstairs bathroom, living room, and kitchen cleaned, so that is progress! I did some straightening up of our bedroom but it needs dusted, sheets changed, and vacuumed. I think I got a lot done because Andrew was gone to a training seminar on Saturday for most of the day.

We are getting closer to having Abigail's room done. I need to get some trim painted and then I think we're done for now. I really want to put some Wall Words up in her room but they seem so expensive. I can always add them later! Our goal is to have her take a nap in there on Friday, so we'll see how far I can get this week.

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon (seeing the doctor, not a midwife) so it will be interesting to hear what he says. I had a bit of a painful weekend with lots of pressure and a few contractions (I think they are only Braxton-Hicks) but that may have been brought on by doing a little too much around the house. Andrew and I practiced some relaxation techniques last night (finally) and I need to keep it up!

Our biggest surprise of the weekend came last night when we were all just sitting around the house. Abigail was playing, of course. She ran into the other room (her bedroom) and in a few moments I heard her panicked cry. I waddled my way in there to find her standing at the top of our step stool. She was stuck and couldn't get down. Good thing the ladder wasn't in there! I didn't have the presence of mind to grab my camera but let this serve as a record that she's following in her daddy's climbing footsteps. Oh my!


Abby said...

Have you tried for a cheaper version of wall words? There is a lot to choose from and I believe the prices would be reasonable. I want to get some for our kids' rooms since we are renting and can't paint.

Unknown said...

No I haven't. I have bought a lot of baby stuff from there but never thought to look anywhere but the original wall words website. I'll check it out! Thanks for the tip!