Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We're on the fast track!

We had a great planning meeting with our consultant this morning. I always feel so much better after those. Our consultant has built a lot of houses in his life, and he said that we are on track to be done by Christmas! The timing will mainly depend on Andrew now. These next few weeks are going to be full of jobs that he has decided to take on himself (shingling the roof, installing windows, and the electrical work)! I'm hoping he doesn't wear himself out and I wish there were more physical labor that I could do to help!

I give thanks every day for this house. I have sent up many prayers throughout this whole process (many of them being, "Dear God, Make this cheaper!"). We have both wanted the same things from the start which is a very conservative house, in which we can serve God. We weren't picky about the things we didn't feel mattered much in the grand scheme of things, such as colors, finishes, the size of the house, fireplaces, building the master suite, cabinets, flooring, and other things we consider a luxury! Not to say that there hasn't been stress but I think we'll come out of this process much stronger and more knowledgeable people! One can only hope and pray!

I am usually ready for bed (at about 10:30 pm or so) and think "Oh no, I forgot to post the pictures," so I will run down to the computer and do it then! It is really a pretty quick process.


Anonymous said...

Tonight we also had to pray that Wayne and Andrew wouldn't fall off the roof of the garage as they put the tar paper up along one half. Once the foundation is backfilled, they won't have so far to fall!

Anonymous said...

So great to see such quick progress! I enjoy all your pictures and look forward to watching the house completion!

Unknown said...

We thought that all houses just went up this fast at first, but our consultant says that ours is speedier than most. Answers to a few other questions: The dormers should be put in today. They started on them yesterday. The porch size hasn't changed from the original drawing (I don't think).

I'll put up pictures from last night's roofing project. I'm trying to talk Andrew into getting me a harness and a rope. I said I'd get up there and help him if I could be tied on. I think he's convinced, so we'll see. I'll get pictures of that. I overcame my fear (sort of) of heights last night as I even climbed all the way to the top of one of the ladders to deliver supplies to Andrew and Wayne on the roof.