First of all, I just wanted to share what I get to look at while I'm cooking in my kitchen every day. It doesn't really get better than this, does it?! :)
Okay, going on:
First off you start with some time of acidic medium to soak the oatmeal. If you haven't heard of soaking grains, check out this article. This was actually my first time trying this although I have heard of the health benefits for years.
I used plain Kefir to soak the oatmeal because I had it in the fridge. Abigail drinks it. Lots of it!
I soaked 3 cups of rolled oats overnight in about 2 to 3 cups of kefir.
Here is a mistake I made that you can avoid: I would not soak in a jar like this again. It took me a good 5 minutes to get the soaked grains out in the morning. I'll use a glass measuring cup with a tight fitting lid next time.
When I got up in the morning, I mixed in 2 ripe bananas (minus a small chunk that I ate - oops).
1 egg
1/8 cup of raw local honey
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup of coconut oil
The original recipe also called for some chopped nuts. That would have been delicious in this however I didn't have the motivation to search for nuts and chop them. I will next time!
Then I poured it all into a greased baking dish and baked it at 350 for one hour.
That was the hardest part . . . smelling it baking for one hour and waiting.
I would have liked to tell you that I got up early and had it ready when Abigail woke up but that's not true. Elsie is going through another bad sleeping stretch and I was up 2 or 3 times last night (don't remember) so I slept as long as possible this morning!
The final verdict . . . delicious!
The only bummer was when I calculated the weight watcher points a serving was 5 points. That is a little high for me for breakfast. I can get away with it now (since I'm breastfeeding full time) but I like to get my breakfast points under 4. Oh well just have to eat a light lunch.
Here is the recipe:
Baked Oatmeal
3 cups rolled oats
2 ripe bananas
3 cups of kefir, buttermilk, yogurt (approximately, you may need more or less)
1 egg
1/8 cup of honey
1 tsp of baking powder
1/4 cup of coconut oil
1/8 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Soak oats in 2-3 cups of yogurt/buttermilk/kefir of your choice overnight. Then mix in the rest of the ingredients. Place in a greased baking dish and bake at 350 for one hour.
Super easy, healthy and delicious!
It would have also been good with some cooked-down berries on top but I didn't do that this time. Next time I plan to make this I'll try to have some raspberries or blueberries on hand to add as a little fruit sauce on top. It was still good without that.
I might have to try this...I've been struggling since being pregnant with breakfast. Nothing sounds good. Except oatmeal! And the only kind I had doesn't cook very well quickly. Except for the honey. I do NOT like honey!! :) The berries sound really good, too. I'm hungry!! :)
I have seen a few other Baked Oatmeal recipes with different sweetner (and some with different fruit in it). Perhaps I'll have to try some variations of this. You could use maple syrup, if you like that, or even sugar! (gasp!). :)
I hope you get to feeling better soon. I remember what it's like.
I do like the maple/brown sugar oatmeal, which is what I "season" mine with when I'm making it myself. I might be okay with the honey since it's baked in but I think I'll wait til I'm not pregnant to try that! :) The sickness is getting better--almost thru the 1st trimester! It's also always just a matter of finding something that just sounds good.
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