Monday, January 25, 2010

Fun with the Girls

We're having a fun day here in the Schechter house. Abigail has moved herself (not our doing) to a new routine since I've been home with her. She stays up later in the evening. If we put her bed, she just sits and talks to herself in her crib. And then she's been sleeping in until after 8 am every day. This morning she didn't get up until 9 am! Makes for a very quick morning. She's also just passed the 2.5 hour mark for her nap. I'm pretty sure she'll get up soon.

Last night Abigail found my high-heeled boots and wanted to wear them. She almost bit the dust several times but didn't do too bad! :)

This picture is from a few days ago. Abigail lovin' on her sister. She loves to hold her! :)

I let Abigail pick her own clothes for the day and this is what she picked. (sorry you have to look at our mess. It's living room cleaning day because I have voice lessons tomorrow).

She then proceeded to want to wear my apron. I think I have worn it once, while pregnant, to keep stuff off my belly while cooking. She loved wearing it around. I need to find her an apron of her own! :)

I was going to try to bundle everyone up this afternoon and play outside today but it just started raining snow pellets . . . . um . . . . or snowing rain pellets. I'm not sure which. We'll be staying inside.

I can't wait for spring and summer! Of course my spring fever is spurred on by the fact I spent most of nap time looking at seed catalogs for my garden. It will be so much fun to play outside with my girls!

Have a great day!

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