Monday, August 13, 2007

Family Visit

We had a wonderful weekend visit from my family. We went to the Cincinnati Museum Center on Friday, and to the Creation Museum on Saturday. The rest of the time we spent just hanging out, playing cards, swimming, and talking about babies. It was so much fun and I feel very sad that they are gone, so I can't think about that too much (since I'm at work!). I would especially like to thank my wonderful mother who cleaned out my evil fridge and made it smell as nice as possible. I think she also polished my stove! I appreciate all of them making the long journey to come and visit us and see our house. It was so much fun and I already miss them a lot!

The pregnancy seems to be going fine. I am feeling a bit better. I still have a few moments of nausea and tiredness but it is much much better than it used to be. I feel pretty tired right now but we had a busy weekend. I'll catch up on my rest this week! :) I have been feeling lots of stretching and pulling and my tummy area has definitely gotten bigger but I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment (yeah, yeah, yeah), so I guess that is what is supposed to happen! We have 5 more weeks until we find out the sex of the baby. I feel so nervous and excited for that moment. I have an appointment a week from this Friday and I'll find out then, exactly when that day will be, but I know they do the ultrasound at 20 weeks. I'm 15 weeks tomorrow, so only 5 weeks to go before we know for sure! If any family member is reading this and doesn't want to know the sex of the baby, they had better warn us ahead of time and we'll try our best to keep it a secret from those people.

I ordered a few more cloth diapers today. One of them comes with a cloth diapering guide, which will be useful. I wish I had a real baby that I could test all of this on, but I guess that is coming in the future. My mom left my favorite doll with me, so at least I have a model. We're getting much closer to having enough newborn sized diapers to work for us. I need to start collecting a few more size small, because you never know how long he/she will stay in the newborn size! Could be a week! :) I also bought a Mei Tai carrier. I have done lots of research on carriers and we're both pretty excited about "wearing" our baby rather than using a bulky carrier. There was one I looked at with all these metal bars and stuff and looked horrible! I have been taking advice from someone else who has done a lot of baby wearing, so I feel pretty confident in these choices. I plan to also purchase a Moby carrier (perhaps even after the baby arrives) because these look so secure and comfortable, and maybe a sling carrier for the newborn and very small infant stage. We'll see.

We have not caught or seen any mice or evidence of mice since Thursday morning. I hope this means that they are gone!! I'm going to set a few more traps, just to be sure, but we were seeing fresh poop daily and we haven't seen any since we caught the one in the trap. I'm still a bit scared of going out in the mudroom area or in the trash pantry. I need Andrew to help me clean up that area, as the mouse shredded a few paper items in there and I don't really want to go exploring. I stuffed a few openings with steel wool but I'm about ready to use the expanding foam to really seal them! I HATE mice! I hope I can start to feel comfortable again soon. I might just have to get over things!

Ok, this was a really long update! Have a good day!

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