Thursday, November 05, 2009

This is it!

No, I didn't title this post after the Michael Jackson movie (although it was very good). . . I'm talking about the fact that this is my last day of work.


If I think about it too much, I get a little sad, such wonderful people here, so I'm just not thinking about it.

Anyway, I know I'll be back to help out and also I think I may join the MOPS group here, since one is not going at my own church, so I know I'll be around.


I was immensely blessed last night when the majority of Andrew's family came over and cleaned my house! Seriously! What an amazing gift. Now I can rest and get ready mentally (if that is possible) for the new baby without having to worry about my dirty house. There are still areas that need work (the kitchen! - hello!) but much of the heavy duty stuff is done. I feel like I am one of the most blessed mama's around!


I feel ready now to have this kid. Much of the time I feel like I want to go ahead an have her now. Everyone in my house is healthy at the moment - Abigail is on the mend from her cold anyway. She hasn't been up at night coughing lately (now that I say that she'll wake up tonight). I have a slightly stuffy nose but I've felt like this for weeks and nothing has come of it. I'm just packing in the vitamins and getting plenty of rest (and praying, lots and lots and lots!).


Thanks for taking part in my baby poll. That was fun - for me at least. I am looking forward to seeing who wins. I'm also tempted to give out clues about the name - perhaps one a day - but I don't know when to start doing that. I'll have to consult my husband on that one. :)

Have a wonderful day!!!


Amanda @ My Everyday said...

Hey, if you might need a casserole let me know! My mom and I both would make you one. I'm not sure if you are full up already or not :) I'm in a cooking mood!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. Thank you so much Amanda. I have never met you (yet) but if you want, that would be wonderful.