Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm still here!

We've had kind of a rough weekend with Abigail. Her fever broke on Saturday but returned on Sunday and is still lingering today. I called her doctor this morning and he recommended an antibiotic. This will be her first antibiotic ever. I'm kind of sad. I wanted her to never have to have one, unless an extreme situation, but she is pretty uncomfortable and I really do trust her doctor, so I'll be picking that up later.

Today is our first full day home without Andrew. It is 12:20 and so far things have been great. I have really enjoyed spending time with my girls so far. Abigail was a bit of a stinker during lunch but the nap factor (and having a fever) was coming into play.

She has been so sick lately, so I am starting to suspect that her food allergies are playing a bigger role in her health than we previously thought. I have read some about how eating foods that are allergens can suppress the immune system, which would be one reason why she seems to catch every cold that comes along. I decided to try to eliminate one at a time and see if it made any difference. So, I'm starting with wheat.

She had oatmeal and pears for breakfast, a spelt muffin for a snack, and rice, carrots, and peas for lunch. I hope I can keep this up. It will definitely be a challenge! It will be easier once I am physically able to do more (like shopping trips). I'm still a little slow getting around.

Well, both girls are sleeping so I should be too. (What am I thinking. . . blogging during the naps?!)

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