Monday, September 19, 2005

Skinny Cookie Suckers

Ok, I have been TRYING to hold off writing this blog because I am trying to have a good attitude about things. But because of the area in which I work (ok, so my desk is in the office lounge so I can actually SEE the cookies, right now) I have seen person after person march in here and snarf down a cookie. That's fine. If they want to eat a cookie, more power to them. However, if they are eating cookies and I'm not then shouldn't they be FATTER than me??! Well, they are not. I have watched after a dozen or more people, who are skinnier than I, march in here and gobble cookie after cookie. Life is NOT fair. Why do the short people with the slow metabolism not get to enjoy the good tasting cookies in life. Not fair, no not fair, at all! And don't try to tell me they exercise more because some of them, I know, don't exercise at all. Life is hard and I want a cookie but, woe is me, I gain at least five pounds per one cookie!

** Good news. I can have oatmeal again this Wednesday. There will be celebration in the Schechter household when I eat my oatmeal and my whole wheat piece of toast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, you are absolutely right. I should just be grateful that I get to eat at all. Thank you very much for reminding me of how lucky I am. I tend to be shortsighted and negative about things and I need reminders like this.