Monday, March 20, 2006


I have been a bit out of commission since my wisdom tooth extraction on Friday. Friday evening I felt so good and thought this was going to be a breeze and then the pain hit. I made it to work this morning but my whole face is throbbing. I told the pastor that I probably wouldn't make it through the whole day and he said that was just fine. I just hope now that I can make it home. I refrained from taking any prescription strength pain pills this morning, because of the driving, but I still feel a bit like I am underwater. All I want out of life at this point is my bed, prescription pain killers, and my snuggly puppy! How many hours until I can climb back into bed?


Anonymous said...

I feel for you--I remember my wisdom teeth being out...sometimes it seems as if it gets a little worse before it gets better. Well, I'm not sure why I picked this post to comment but I hadn't talked to you guys in a while so I thought I would say hey and that I'm still here and still think of you!

Anna said...

Oh, are you all chipmonk-y? I had my wisdom teeth out a year ago and mom drove up to SD to take care of me. I remember that an ice pack on my cheeks really helped the swelling and pain, but I definitely felt nauseus and woozy for a while. Hope you feel better soon!