Tuesday, May 11, 2010

With one child . . .

Abigail spent the night at her nana and papa's last night and stayed all day today. Elsie had a doctor check up (6 months!) today so my mother-in-law was gracious enough to keep her for me! I just wanted to document what all I got accomplished today with only one child. I wish I had known how easy it was to get around when I only had one!!

- Breakfast, shower, and left before 9 am
- Stopped at Ell Farm for some raw honey
- Stopped at Benken's Floral and Greenhouse for some garden plants (tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, etc).
- Went to doctor appointment (Elsie is healthy and big - not a big surprise).
- Fed Baby.
- Went to Kohls and returned three clothing items that were too big (wow!) for smaller sizes.
- Stopped at the bank.
- Stopped at the place where we get farm fresh eggs and got 3 dozen.
- Ate lunch.
- Did one load of laundry.
- Loaded Dishwasher.
- Cleaned Living room (picked up, dusted, and vacuumed).
- Cleaned Guest Room (all the above).
- Cleaned Abigail's room (all the above).
- Checked email.
- Blogged!


Going to snuggle with a baby now, drop her off with her nana, give a voice lesson, pick them both up and make dinner.

The end!


Anonymous said...

You aren't wishing you had just one child, are you? :)

That's a lot to get done in one day, even without any children! Wish I had your energy and motivation.

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Not at all! I'm just thinking back to when I only had one and wish I had been more motivated then!