Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Anniversary Snapshot

Here is what our anniversary looked like . . . year #7 . . . two very small children . . .

Woke at 7 am to baby needing to be fed.

Oldest woke at 8 am - I made her Oatmeal Yogurt Waffles.

We cleaned, played, did laundry, etc.

Nap time: One down then the other wakes up.

Got an email from husband saying he'll be late getting home because he's going by Lowe's.

Teach voice lesson at 4 pm.

Made dinner (sloppy joes and broccoli). Mashed bananas and breastmilk for Elsie.

Girls and I eat before Andrew gets home because we're hungry. Cranky tired baby and hungry toddler. Yikes!

Andrew gets home and grabs food on the run.

He works outside building more raised garden beds while I put the baby to bed. She is not interested in going to sleep easily.

Toddler and I (ha!) pull weeds in the garden. Actually she flings dirt on me while I pull weeds.

Andrew goes inside to work for himself in his office. I rock baby to try to calm her down. Falls asleep in her crib finally.

Bathing toddler (@ 8:30!! yikes).

Put toddler to bed.

Do dishes.

Get cup of tea.

Go to bed. Perhaps I'll see my darling love again before I turn out the lights!


But you know what, I wouldn't change a thing! I know there will be years when we can go out and celebrate or perhaps even travel but in the exhausting yet sweet season of having young children (one is sitting on me right now), I am enjoying time at home with this precious family that will soon be grown.

1 comment:

The Schenk Family said...

congrats, 7 years that is awesome