As I wrote yesterday, I don't think that Abigail is ready yet to be moved out of her crib. Time will tell, I guess. So, having said that, her room will probably stay exactly the same right up until her little sister takes it over! Yeah for not having to change a thing!
I am also grateful that we really don't need to buy anything. At least yet. The seasons will be slightly off so we may need to buy a few warmer clothes in 6 month size depending on if this new baby grows like Abigail did (she always wore the size/age she was at the time). I'm beginning to feel the itch to pull the old things out of storage and start sorting, organizing, and washing things.
However, there is one (or two) baby gear items that I would like to have. Now, I just have to save up the money and decide which one I want!
First item . . . double stroller:
We already have a stroller and I cannot count the amount of time that Abigail used this. I have a feeling that I will want to get out of the house with both kids, and with both being so young, this seems like a very convenient item to have.

The major drawback is that these are expensive!! Yikes!

The last but certainly not least item that I would like to get is a deluxe bouncy seat. This seat literally saved my sanity and probably my life after Abigail was born. When she wouldn't sleep anywhere else, she'd sleep in her bouncy seat.
We already have one but I'd like to have another one that we could use for sleeping for the first few weeks/month so this child doesn't end up sleeping with me in a very uncomfortable easy chair like Abigail did. It is also a big hassle to move the bouncy seat up and down the stairs.
The one we have is great for letting Mama take a shower, cook dinner, etc, but I'd really like a model like this:

Looks sleep-able, right? I am a big fan of letting babies sleep by themselves, and a bouncy seat, in my opinion, allows your baby to be more comfortable in that transition from sleeping inside of mom to sleeping alone in a crib (all. night. long.). First I am going to try several local used places to see if I can get a great deal on these.
Wish me luck!
I read your blog all the way through and didn't think it was boring in the least! I love looking at all the baby stuff that you are thinking about. Someday I will be doing the exact same thing. :) It's a tough decision between the two strollers. I think I'd go with the jogging stroller though. I love those things.
On the other hand, I can't seem to think of a single thing to post lately! I'm just too tired this week to put two thoughts together.
We have too prepared things Jaime, finishing the office is preparation to move Abigail. She will be ready before you think. :)
If anything, we should get the jogging stroller. We don't use the stroller that much, and Abigail is getting closer to being able to walk more.
Laura: I'm glad you weren't bored! :) You have had excitement lately with Perdi so sick. I'm glad she's better.
I guess I wasn't thinking about redoing our house for the baby, but you're right, Andrew. I'm still not sure about the jogging stroller. I'm not sure it would be as handy if I wanted to go to the Library and need something to keep the kids contained. Abigail sure can walk, but she can also run off, so sometimes I use the stroller just to keep her from walking out in the middle of a parking lot. I'm still torn. Maybe I'll find great deals on all of them!
From my experience I would say get the jogging stroller. They are MUCH easier to push and navigate and aren't too big to fit through doorways (even though they look like it!). I found a very nice, used one on craigslist for only $70! And on mine (it's an InStep), the seats can be laid back so even when baby #2 is still really little, she could ride in it w/ the seat reclined (they lean back a bit anyway just by the design of the stroller). The biggest drawback on it is that it doesn't fold down as compactly as my single Graco. It would still fit in your car's truck (I've crammed ours into Aaron's Accord trunk). But I would reccommend a jogger over a regular double stroller. :)
I hope you received my emails of things that I found on Craigslist. Wayne works in Milford sometimes so if you want that stroller, he could pick it up for you.
Yes, I saw those. Thank you. I actually spent time scouring Craigs list today, too. The stroller doesn't fold at all so I'm not sure how that would work to take it places. Since we don't have a jogging trail close to our house I'd almost always have to put it in the car/van.
I am also looking for a papasan bouncy seat, not a swing. I think I may also make a trip to Once Upon a Child as well as keep watching those ads.
However, the biggest dilemma here is that I haven't saved any money for these items. So I have to do that first. :)
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