I got up this morning to head to work, just like normal. The moment I stepped foot out my door, the cramping began! I just ignored it on the way to work, thinking that it would soon pass like it had before. After about 2 hours of it this morning, I was pretty uncomfortable. Nothing helped! I managed to get a ton of work done at work and even laid out some things for my substitute to do tomorrow. I made it until about 1:00 pm and then I had to head home. I didn't think it was real labor because the pain didn't seem strong enough or have any kind of consistency. I got home and took a bath, which helped but didn't quite cure the cramps. I finally fell asleep watching a movie about 3:00 pm and they mostly went away while I was asleep. I am very interested to hear what the midwives have to say tomorrow morning! I'm trying not to count on her coming "early" so I'm not disappointed when I pass the due date, but all of this is making me wonder!
I left one thing to finish at work from home but now my computer is offline there, so that really stinks. I have no idea why that happens! Ah! Anyway, I will have to either do it in the morning or call my substitute and have her do it while I head up to the midwives. I'll report after my appointment tomorrow. Enjoy the picture!

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