Monday, June 19, 2006

Permits, Plans, Percs, and Plots

Well, we continue to work hard on our house project, even though it may not seem like it to the outside world. I feel like a fish swimming upstream at best! I am now dealing with things like soil tests and septic plans and I have NO EARTHLY idea what I am doing!!!! The majority of the time, when I am talking to these people, it is like they are speaking a different language. I am trying to look on this as an opportunity to learn (more than I ever want to know) about the building industry. At least we will have a house in the end, it just may not be built quite as soon as we had hoped. At times, I feel as if I am carrying that house by myself, on my back, uphill in the snow! I think that my guess of breaking ground in a month was totally unrealistic. My best estimate is now that we will break ground in late August/early September. We have to have so many things squared away by the time we begin with actual construction. I just wish I had a guide book. I would do so much better with a little direction! I apologize if this post seems a bit over the top but I am just pretty frustrated right now. It is good that I have been so diligent in my exercise lately. It is a GREAT stress reliever. I feel like running several miles right about now! I'll have to wait until tonight! Oh, also I am giving two voice lessons tonight. Yeah and yikes! I seriously doubt my skills at a time like this. (now I sound like Napolean dynamite when I say skills). Ok, I'll stop rambling now, I think . . . . . . . .

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