Friday, January 13, 2006

American Drivers Need More Credit

Each day as I am leaving work I have to make a left turn onto a fairly busy street. It is only two lanes because this area has grown so fast and developers weren't projecting such heavy traffic flow on that road so no turning lane. On my first day here the Pastor warned me that he thought I ought to make a right turn on the road and just back track a little bit to avoid that turn. I decided that I would just try the turn one day and see if I could make it. Also, let me explain that their is another drive way next to ours as well as a stop light a few yards down the road. This makes traffic back up and causes it nearly impossible to see people coming from the right. I have been so impressed that every single day I have driven out of this parking lot someone who is waiting at the stopped light will stop before the driveway to let me out, watch the oncoming traffic and wave me on when it is safe. Yesterday I even had a lady put a stop me from going since there was a car coming. She continued to wave me on when things were safe. Even though there is a lot of road rage out there, I must say to the drivers on Socialville-Foster Road at 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday . . . thank you for always allowing me safely to exit the church parking lot! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like to hear these sorts of things but I have a but and that is be careful. I am not a cynical person so this comes from experience - I have seen people get hit coming out of spots like that with other folks waving them on. I guess they just don't see the other car or who knows why? I don't want to sound preachy and you probably already do all of this but my advice is to pray when you get in the car and listen. If God tells you to turn right instead of turning left sometimes, do that....and keep these good stories coming - I do check your blog everytime I have my computer on (which isn't daily) and I LOVE reading and commenting....Thanks for writing!!Love, Linda :)