Thursday, July 14, 2005


Well, I went to the dentist today. I actually drove an hour to go to my old dentist. I probably past several dentists offices on the way. I got some bad news while I was there. I am going to have to have a root canal done on my tooth. I knew that there was another tooth bothering me besides my wisdom teeth. Ah, I can't believe it. The good news of the day is that I am going to an oral surgeon to have my wisdom teeth taken out. That way I will be all the way under and not tramatized by the yanking out of four HUGE teeth while I am still awake. One has to be cut out, anyway. So, I make an appointment tomorrow for the root canal and then as soon as possible after that I will have my wisdom teeth out. I hope this is the last time for a long while that someone has to mess with my mouth! Any words of advice on root canals?

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