Thursday, May 19, 2005


Well, my puppy has spent the last two nights at the vet's office getting neutered. The actual procedure only lasted about 2 minutes but he was being observed the rest of the time. I missed him but I also enjoyed the rest. I picked him up this morning. He doesn't act any differently, if anything he is more hyper! We are gearing up for puppy kindergarten this next Monday. He will have more excitement on Sunday when he gets to stay with our friend Karin while we are at a graduation. We are also slowly preparing him (gathering needed items) for his journey to Ohio. We think he will do well. We'll see.

My weightloss situation has gotten better lately. . . not because of anything I am doing but simply because of all the wonderful encouragement I have gotten. So, thank you to everyone who has offered encouragement to me. That is a great motivator! I had two scrambled eggs for breakfast and a grapefruit. I think that is a fairly healthy breakfast but I'm not totally sure, can someone please tell me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your Mom about focusing on "healthy" not "thin", I don't think people should care about how many calories they're eating or even how much of something...just choose the right foods and eat until your satisfied. This is my own personal opinion, but I think if everyone just cut out two things in foods today(high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils), and not eat anything that contained these ingredients, then most people would be a lot healthier and have less sickness...although I personally don't have scientific evidence to back this up!: ) Its amazing how many things there putting these ingredients into now. Ok, enough of my rants.
Love, Jennie