Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Unexpected gratefulness!

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday. I always arrive at my birthday with big expectations. My expectations always lie in the area of people contacting me in some way. I really don't desire gifts or money, I just want people to call, email, or send cards to me. It is always a pleasant surprise to get that card from someone who you just thought you wouldn't get one from. Now, I know some of you may be feeling badly for not getting me a card ON my birthday. Believe me, I don't care. I actually like my cards spaced out all week. It makes the birthday last longer. I was disappointed not to have anyone call on my birthday but I found out later that several people had tried to call and had been unable to get through. Boy did I need an attitude change. . .

I had so much to be grateful for and here I was feeling sorry for myself. I had just had a fantastic party at my parents house. It was great, we ate, talked, and opened gifts. I got some wonderful gifts (just what I wanted). I got to spend time with my family, the people that I love dearly. I missed seeing other family members but distance can't be helped. My dear husband had surprised me with beautiful flowers at work, took me out for breakfast, made me lunch, and is doing his best to stretch my birthday out all week. I got to instant message my sister twice during the day (yeah for technology) and my brother came to say happy birthday (surprised he remembered). So, I am so thankful for people who love me and who put up with my ungrateful attitude! :)

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