Thursday, November 08, 2007

Early to Bed

We were all cozy watching a movie last night, and I just couldn't concentrate on it. My feet were cold and I just felt uncomfortable. So, I decided to take a bath and go to bed. The funny thing was that this was at 8:00 pm!! I didn't actually fall asleep until 9:00 pm, but still that's CRAZY!! 9 hours of sleep (I get up around 6:15 am)! I do feel very good today. Hmm, perhaps I need to do this more often, even though I like to stay up later.

Tonight is our last night of small group until after the holidays. :( I like getting together with my friends but I will enjoy being a bit less busy.

My goal for Saturday is to paint something! I have procrastinated way too long. The dresser/changing table needs one more coat of paint and new hardware, the upstairs bedroom needs painted, and now I have another great dresser that I'm going to paint (and new hardware). I feel like I need to do something! The most important is probably the upstairs painting, so I'll try to do some of that. Unfortunately, the ceiling needs primed and that's why I'm procrastinating! I'm not a fan of ceiling painting. I think I can motivate myself to do it if I set a time limit, say 30 minutes of ceiling painting only. I could easily get it done in a few days, if I did this.

I really am enjoying this sleep thing today. I feel like I have so much energy and I've been very productive at work. I can concentrate! I'd better enjoy it and sleep while I can! :) :) :)

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