Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I have briefly mentioned before that Andrew and I have been going to childbirth class on Sunday night (a 12 week course). I would like to explain a little more about what this is. We're planning to have a natural Bradley method birth. Of course, we realize that the health and safety of the baby is the most important thing and if all goes well, we feel this is the best way to do this. Fortunately, the Bradley method is not about who can stand the most pain (if so, I would not be a good candidate) but it's about giving the mother adequate time and pain management tools to prepare for the birth. This means that I'm doing exercises (and exercising) every day, following a specific nutritional plan, and will be learning lots of breathing, relaxation, and position techniques to be used to manage labor pain. The main thing that this Bradley class has given me so far is the confidence to realize that I can do this, especially since I have time to prepare myself for it (that's one thing I'm good at . . . planning ahead).

I realize that this is not the normal way of doing things now (I think we heard that 97% of women in this area get epidurals) but it is something we want to do for the health of our baby, my health and recovery, and because we really want to be in control of the birth. Andrew is already a wonderful coach. He reminds me to do my exercises, he encourages me to eat right, and he is already helping me to relax. Our instructor has mentioned about how the coach needs to be a relaxation expert. I must say that I found that funny since I already think that Andrew is a very good relaxation expert!

I realize that by writing about this I am opening myself up to (intentionally helpful) comments. This is a decision that I have made and thankfully I have a very supportive coach and a supportive family to help me. I realize that I have not yet gone through the birth and therefore I may feel differently later. I realize that there will be significant pain but we believe the benefits will outweigh the pain. I also believe that God made our bodies to go through this process to give the mother and baby everything needed. If you want to know those little details that are so cool, I'd be glad to share what we're learning. We are really enjoying our class (we have a great teacher) and feel like this is the best plan for us and our baby girl (who shall not yet be named!)!

If you would like to read/know more, visit:


Unknown said...

Heya Jaime,
I haven't been on here in a LONG time but it was fun to read about all you're doing to prepare for your little girl. The natural birth method sounded interesting. i've known a number of people who have done alternative methods but I never knew they had a name (Bradely). I'll have to keep that mind :) Though I married into a family of nurses...wonder how that would go over?? Well, I hope your day is going well...back to an annotated bibliography--woohoo!

Unknown said...

You'll just have to do what you need to do, no matter what the family nurses say! :) I'm very thankful that my family and Andrew's family are both very supportive of our health choices! Hey, be sure to let me know when you have any news and need info on the Bradley method! :) Great to hear from you!