Tuesday, October 30, 2007

98 days!

I do my best not to count down to things because it just seems to make the time go by more slowly! However, when I get excited about something, I just can't help myself! So yes, there are only 98 days until my due date! We have so much yet to do to fix up our house! I recently purchased some Charlie's soap. It's supposed to be the cleanest rinsing laundry soap available.

There are only 43 days until A is DONE with school completely. He just finished his last regular class and has to finish a six week seminar. If I am feeling this excited for him to be done with school, I can't imagine how he is feeling. He has been in school for 1/2 of our married life (almost) and the whole time we've lived in Ohio! He started the day before we moved here. I wonder what it will be like.

I had such a vivid (and terrible) dream last night that people at work were upset with me about not being here enough! I guess I'm just sensitive to trying to do a good job here and especially while I'm pregnant. I'm starting to feel the pressure of the holidays and of my impending maternity leave! Must get stuff done!

The hardest thing for me in this pregnancy so far is finding a balance between work/activity and rest. I tend to work work work until I can't anymore. I have never had so many colds in my life as I have had in the last four months. As yet another sore throat started last night, I thought to myself that perhaps I need to rest more and not worry about the rest (laundry, dishes, dusting, vaccuming, cooking, painting upstairs, painting baby's cabinet, painting trim, work, lessons, organizing, volunteering, etc). All of these things aren't as important as staying healthy but they are always nagging at my mind when I am resting! So, if you come to my house in the next few weeks, please remember that I'm trying to find a balance between work and rest so if you see dishes and dust (you're probably used to that already) excuse it for the time being. :) I'm trying not to get another cold!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As your mother (!), I would strongly encourage you to learn to say NO. There will be plenty of time to volunteer later. Right now your most important job is to stay healthy. After all, you only have one chance at making this baby. The nursery doesn't have to be perfect before she comes either. Baby won't know the difference. So what if you have to store her clothes on the floor for a while! Slow down and remember--there is nothing wrong with saying "no".

Love, Mom