Thursday, December 01, 2005


Well, this morning I had an interview with a job search agency in West Chester. They tested my skills in Microsoft Products, and then we had an interview just to chat about what jobs I was looking for. While I was taking the tests, I felt so incredibly stupid, and I couldn't believe I was getting so many wrong! When I got the results back, I scored higher than average on all four microsoft products (access, excel, word, and power point) and scored in the advanced level for Word. I could NOT believe it. My typing skills also scored very high. The man I interviewed with seemed to think that they would be able to find me work fairly quickly.

This afternoon I went to Monroe Presbyterian to watch a musical program put on by some middle school kids. It was good. We served cookies and tea and I helped do a little bit of getting ready for that.

It is snowing here now and it is just beautiful. It is actually fairly warm outside with a gentle snow so it is just perfect. I took pictures of Dewey in the snow so I will try to put some of those on later!

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