Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Review and Schechter House Update #2

Ok, I have one more review from May Festival. http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/AB/20060528/ENT/305280006/.

My favorite line is "Robert Porco has trained his chorus to sing with buoyancy as well as power. Indeed, few places on earth can one hear such a finely trained amateur chorus. The result was vibrant and rich." I must say that I am proud to have been in such a fine choir. I do feel a great sense of relief now that it is over! It just took so much time!

Our meeting went well today. We worked out a lot of details about our house from, different types of foundation, windows, shingles, appliances, flooring, lighting, plumbing, etc. We are now in the process of getting our house plans printed (he needs 20 copies) in a big copy format so that our consultant can start to gather bids. We are going to try and get those very soon. It is a little out of our hands, however. I asked him today how long he thought this house would take to build. He estimated that it would take about 4 months to build this size of house. We will hopefully break ground sometime in late June or July and therefore I am hoping to be done by November. It would be great to be in our house for Christmas! Anyway, I feel like things are really moving now. A lot of this is all over my head but I am hoping to catch on soon. If anyone is in the area and wants to help when we tile, paint, finish, etc, let me know. We will probably only be able to pay you back with favors or a nice meal in our home, once finished! :) Anyway, I will continue to update when I know more.

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