Monday, April 10, 2006

Weekend Update

The weekend was a bit of a crazy one. On Friday night I started on a project to scan in some of the Myers family pictures (old ones) into our computer. Andrew and I are interested in doing something like this for families as a side business someday, so I thought it would be fun to try it out. It has been very fun and interesting so far. We will be able to put together some neat presentations when I get them all in. Of course, I need lots of help labeling things because many times I have no idea who someone is.

This morning, Dewey decided to welcome in Holy Week with a bang. He snuck into the dining room (while I was waiting at the door to let him out) and decided to poop all over the floor. It was an emergency sort of poop but it made me about 20 minutes late for work since I had to clean it up. We haven't had an accident like this in a long time. I put some Frontline on him last night, since it is spring time, and I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

I also had a bit of a weight scare yesterday. I'm not sure what I was smoking and at time I think I am a bit psycho about my weight. Anyway, I thought I weighed myself and it was 10 pounds more than last time but I must have just seen the numbers wrong or something. I weighed again this morning and I was actually down a few pounds from last time I weighed. This makes sense because I haven't eaten that much the past few weeks because of my teeth and cold. So, I have only gained about six pounds since returning to Ohio. I'm not sure what I was smoking when I thought it was 20 but it was a big relief this morning. I still need to keep working because I still want to drop about 30 pounds.

I am flying out on Friday afternoon to journey to Kansas for a short weekend trip. I am looking forward to it.

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