Tuesday, May 13, 2008


For the first time in her life, Abigail slept clear through the night! By comparison to other babies, she has technically slept through the night quite often, meaning from midnight to 5 am. However, if I have to get up at night to feed or care for her, I don't count this as sleeping through the night. It took her a while to fall asleep last night, so she probably drifted off around 10:00 pm. I went to bed at 10:30 pm and did not wake up until my alarm went off!! I wondered why I felt so rested this morning. She was awake in bed when I went into check on her at 6:00 am (when my alarm goes off) and so I fed her then. It was amazing people!! So, for the first time in a long time, I got a huge block of sleep. I didn't even sleep that much before Abigail arrived because I was pregnant and uncomfortable (not to mention the bathroom breaks), so yeah! I'm not getting my hopes up that she will do this every night but at least I know it is possible.

I will be honest: I'm sort of also sad in a weird sort of way. Since going back to work, I have felt like every moment I get to spend with her is precious and important. It didn't matter if it was in the middle of the night or not! Ah well. I will take the sleep while I can get it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!!! This will enable you to be an ever better mommy than you are already! Once mine started this they kept on sleeping thru the night, may the good Lord keep those nights coming (even tho I do understand your melancholy about missing that time)!