Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I have never taken a blogging sabbatical in my three years of blogging but I'm considering it at this point. It is not like I don't have something to blog about (my darling Abigail)! :) I just don't feel creative at the moment (blah) and there are only so many posts about Abigail's sleep (which is still wonderful) that I can write. Maybe some sun and warm weather will help. I'm also finding myself extremely short on time these days. So, at this point, I'm considering taking a break. We'll see. I may not be able to stay away, especially if we take some cute pictures of our little darling. Comments always help to encourage my blogging juices to flow! :)

P.S. I just have to brag about my wonderful amazing husband. I have not cooked a single meal (on a week night) since I went back to work. He is doing such a wonderful job taking care of me and helping me to have as much time to just spend with Abigail in the evenings and weekends as possible. I am sad that I had to give up doing his laundry. I truly do enjoy doing laundry but it is enough to just keep up with my own and Abigail's at the present time! :(


Anonymous said...

We think you have a wonderful, amazing husband, too. We're glad he's taking such good care of both you and Abigail.

Love, Mom and Dad

Happy Working Mom said...

You are more than welcome to come and do my laundry! I despise it, and yet it's what I spend every Saturday doing!

Your daughter is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I would miss your blogging if you quit. Remember how one time you told me just to write about my daily activities? Selfishly, I think you should keep blogging...not that I can talk since I have been on almost a year and a half blogging sabatical.


Kayla said...

I agree with Jenny... I'll be sad if you stop blogging. I like seeing pictures of adorable Abigail and hearing about the cute things she does. You're the only person I know that has a new baby and reading about her is better than reality tv!

Anonymous said...

I'd miss your blog, too. I love hearing about Abigail!

Laura said...

i enjoy doing laundry as well and I have never been able to explain it! I'm glad Andrew's being such a good help and I hope you continue to blog! I enjoy your posts no matter how many times you post about Abigail's sleep. :)