Tuesday, January 30, 2007
New Pictures
Friday, January 26, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
IKEA (and weekend) pictures!
Friday, January 19, 2007
We had our appliances delivered today. Perhaps it was a bit early, but since we can now lock our house, I figured that they would be ok. We need a few of the smaller appliances (microwave, dishwasher) for when the cabinets are installed, hopefully next week. We are going to Pittsburgh for the weekend, for an IKEA extravaganza shopping trip. Hopefully I will remember to take pictures of our fun, and post some on here.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The "richest" I've ever felt!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Weekend Pictures
The start of my tiling work!
Our muddy front yard! It has rained so much here! One of my to-do's for today, is to call the excavator to see if they can do our final grading.
Our new front door handles and lock.
This isn't a very good picture but I love the bathroom blue (Yacht Club) and the new light fixture.
The light fixture in our bedroom. We love IKEA!
The lights in the "dining" room. This will go over our dining room table.
The tile work, when I was done yesterday (still not officially done). Sorry, I was trying to get a picture of myself so I could have proof I did this, but it didn't turn out well. Andrew forgot to take a picture of me! :(
Hopefully more pictures and progress soon. I think I will be most excited for the kitchen cabinets to go in. They are schedule for next week. We are taking a trip to Pittsburgh this weekend to visit the IKEA store there and buy some furniture. It will be so nice to have a weekend off from working on the house (although the more we work, the sooner it will be done).
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Some Pictures . . . Finally!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I'm a big talker!
In other news: I wired my first outlet last night, and it worked! I'm so happy to be able to help Andrew out!! Andrew also got two circuits hooked up in the house. So now, we can walk down our basement stairs and flip a light on, instead of having to plug everything in to an extension cord run from our temp pole! Yeah! I'll post pictures soon!!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
We're ready to paint!
I'm a skeptic of new year's resolutions, so I only made one this year. I really need to try and get more sleep. I know that's not very deep, but since I feel like I try to work on things daily (like being positive, not complaining, etc, etc), I thought I'd try to concentrate on one. I've already failed! We stayed up until 11:15 pm or so looking at our IKEA catalog. Oh well, there's always tonight!