Tuesday, August 15, 2006

House Update #?

I'm losing count on the updates. I'm sure these are fairly boring but it's what is going on in our lives! I committed and purchased builder's insurance today. Actually, I haven't written the check yet, but I will do that tomorrow or Thursday. I have also contacted the septic plan guy (whose computer is in the shop. . . yikes!) to change our plan from two bedrooms to three bedrooms. That should be done by the end of the week. We are getting our house plans finalized (finally!). If all goes smoothly (hmm, when does that happen) I think we should have permits in place by the first of September. That's fairly optimistic, actually. The main hangup right now is with the septic plan. I am just kicking myself for not asking him to draw up a three-bedroom plan initially. I knew better but I just didn't speak up. Oh well, at least all it will cost us is a little bit of time (and maybe a little money to get reapproved). I just wish I could have a vacation from all of this. . . oh wait. . . I just got home from a vacation on Sunday night. I can't wait until the day I can take a personal day to unpack in my house!!! For a while, I could imagine it but now it seems like some crazy fantasy!

I pray every day that this debt will not rule our lives. I trust that God has things in control but as many of you (who know me well) know, I like to be "in control" (if there really is such a thing) so this is difficult for me.

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