Friday, November 10, 2006

No Title

We are still hunting for a car. I made several phone calls yesterday, only to discover many of the cars we were interested in from dealerships were already sold. We do have an appointment with a guy from Dayton to look at his 1995 Honda. The price is really good for the car but we are leery as the guy said his ex-girlfriend ran the car into a guardrail when it was icy. Ah the drama! We'll see if we like it or not.

I received a call, the other day, from the May Festival Manager. They are opening up one concert in January, this year, to any former singers, if they want to return. I really wanted to do it, because of the music and it's just fun to be around good musicians, but Andrew convinced me (or made me think) that I would be completely stressed and busy if I did that. I would drive down to practice on every Tuesday night (minus the holidays) until the end of January. As much as I really want to do it, I just have to think that I'll do it again when I'm not so busy.

I started seeing a chiropractor this week. I had a stiff neck that wouldn't go away for almost a month. She found that almost my entire neck was out of whack (my term not hers) and the natural curve supposed to be in my neck was gone. So, after receiving my first adjustment yesterday, I'm here at work, trying my best to use the proper posture she told me too. I never thought I had that bad of posture before, but I guess so. I also realize that if I'm ever using my mouse at work, I have to really slump over and lean forward to use it! My keyboard is on a pull-out thing but my mouse is not. I tried moving it this morning, so we'll see if that helps.

Ok, all for now! I've got to get to work on the newsletter!


Anonymous said...

Did you see Katherine? If so, you saw one of my favorite people on this planet. I just really like her demeanor and she is extremely professional. She is a Christian and just a lovely human being. And she is very funny. Anyway - I hope that she is your chiropractor as she will really help you. And if she can't help you, she will put you to another type of doctor. Now, on to cars. I bought my car at and had great success with them. Very pleased. I hope that will be true with you too. And I think you should look at Subaru's too. Just a plug for a very safe, comfortable car!! OK - keep writing, I would be lost without your blogs....truly....I don't respond, but read them about once a week. I will try to respond more often if it will mean that you keep on, Linda :)

Unknown said...

Yes, we LOVE I can save cars on there and Andrew can look at them when he has time (and isn't stressed). We have Subaru as one of our searches, as well as Honda and Toyota. Andrew would really like an Outback, but since we're really trying to just buy this car and not get a loan in anyway then the Outback is a little out of our price range right now!

Unknown said...

OH, yes, I saw Katherine and everything you say is true. She is a very nice person. She hasn't told me to stop wearing high heels yet, so I like her even more (if that's possible).