Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I fear we're in the calm before the storm, the Christmas storm I mean. Things at work have been unusually slow but I hear about the dreaded (although that word is rarely used) Advent season. The church calendar picks up with several services per week, etc. I've used this time to try to get all organized and ahead in some projects.

The siding is mostly up on the house and I promise pictures sometime soon. I bought batteries today, so my camera will be functioning soon. I am so pleased that I learned how to do something useful at the house. I'm shimming the windows myself.

Also, my good friend, Connie, and two of her friends, are coming to stay this weekend. They are actually here to attend a youth gathering in Cincinnati. Should be fun, folks!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the siding and shutter colors...Anne said they looked beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Was catching up on your blog was my break from writing a paper :) Have a good rest of the weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!! Can you believe a year ago you were packing to move???

Anna said...

I'm excited to see pictures of your house! And good for you for going to the chiropractor - I struggle with neck pain too...definitely from sitting at the computer. Will you and Andrew be in your house by Christmas? I'm wondering where to send a card...hope you're doing well!