Monday, November 28, 2005

How I kept busy!

So, I decided that I would hunt for jobs some today. So I found two in the paper that required you to apply in person and both happened to be in Hamilton so I got in Wayne and Susan's camry (thanks guys) and went to Hamilton. As I was driving downtown, I didn't see any free parking, so I decided to park in the 5/3 bank parking lot and open a checking account while I was there (on my To Do list) and park for free and just walk over to the place I was applying (which was next door). It worked out well. The job there was for the City of Hamilton. I'm not sure that I have any chance at that or even if I want it. The next job was down the street at an optometrist office. The person I spoke with there seemed very nice and I was the first applicant. I then ran some errands: Library, Target, Gas for car, and Kroger. I didn't find what I wanted at the Library or Target. Anyway, I was quite proud that I didn't have to call anyone because I got lost! When I got home I unpacked for a while, helped Rosalie make some cookies, played with Dewey, made lunch, and we went to Andrew's cousin Riley's indoor soccer game tonight. They won. I plan to send out more resumes tomorrow and do some Christmas shopping. So, that's what I did today.


Unknown said...

Yes, I would love to buy all of their red inventory and several knives but alas, I don't have $500. Yes, if you haven't been to Cook's Wares you haven't lived! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaime, good to hear from you. Thanks for you encouragement. It sort of just blew up last night and talked to my mom a lot about it and I know I need to refocus and understand why I am doing what I am doing. We miss you here and hope things are well with you in Ohio.