Saturday, June 16, 2012

Schechter's Visit

This last week has been fun and busy! Andrew has had lots of family visiting from out-of-town. His Uncle and Aunt and their families were here for the last week. Lots of get togethers and eating of course, etc. We also got several good games of tennis in as well! I love a good tennis game.

Anyway, they left today. Sad to see them go but thankful for a wonderful visit!

Now I'm very busy preparing to travel to Kansas on Monday to visit my parents, Grandma and brother. The kids and I will be there almost 3 weeks so I'm taking the packing very seriously! I don't want to bring too much but I definitely don't want to forget anything essential. I made some headway on it today and so that made me feel better.

Andrew's mom is going to help me drive the kids out there (bless her!) and Andrew is going to fly out for the last week and then drive us back. I don't think I'm quite ready to drive three kids 4 and under for 850 miles! I can picture myself being able to do it someday but . . . not yet!

I'll try to blog during the trip but no guarantees. Hopefully I will remember to take pictures, etc, although I'm bad at that too!

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