Thursday, February 22, 2007
Good Morning
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
We passed!
Crazy Weather!
Things to finish before our final inspection:
Banister (I think will be done this week)
Carpeting (Middle of next week)
Grading (Whenever the snow melts off our yard)
Steps or landing out the back door (After the grading is done)
A "sidewalk" from the front porch to the driveway. I think we're going to use some crushed gravel. (After the grading is done)
We're having our final electrical and final plumbing inspections today. I'll let you know how those go. Originally, our goal was to move in on March 3rd, but with all this weather, I believe it's more realistic to think it will be on March 10th (ish).
Friday, February 16, 2007
We had a little scare this morning, because the plumber couldn't get the water meter to turn on. So, I called the county, they came out and helped him! Yeah!
I also met with the carpet guy today! Decisions, decisions.
Sorry this is short. I'm swamped at work! I'll write more later with updated running water pictures!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Picture Update
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine's Day
I've finally got my camera back in my purse, so I'll take pictures of our progress tonight.
Also, the plumbers decided to venture out in the ice today to work in our house. They said that they won't be done with everything until Friday, so we still had to push back our geothermal schedule, but that's ok. It's finally supposed to warm up next week (into the 40's) and I have our excavator scheduled to do grading on Wednesday, we may have to push that back a bit, but it looks promising.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
New Business?
I am thinking about starting a little side shopping "business" after we are moved into our house. I would mainly focus on grocery shopping (someone will give me their list, I buy the groceries and deliver them). I need to start out by thinking of a good name. The only one I've come up with so far is Schechter Shopping. I don't particularly like it and neither does Andrew. If you can think up a cute or meaninful name, please post a comment and let me know.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I Love Survey's!
All About My Man
His age: 26
How tall is he? 6'4" (tall!)
How long have you been together? Six years or so (we met Fall of 00 in college)
How long did you know each other before you got together? Not long, a month or so.
What physical features attracted you to him first? His build. I don't like scrawny guys!
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Mango (red)
Hair style: Buzz (which I cut every few weeks)
Normal Outfit: khakis and a nice shirt- ‘business casual’ or jeans and a sweatshirt
How did you meet? Music Theory 1 Class at Sterling College
How serious is it? I'd say it's pretty serious! Actually, we do like to have lots of fun together!
Are you “in love”? Yes!!
Do your parents like him? Like him? They LOVE him (not to mention how much my Gparents LOVE him).
Do his parents like you? Yes, I think so!
Do you trust him? Yes, 100%.
Would you share a toothbrush with him? It would take a VERY dire situation for me to do that.
Would he let you wear his pants? Yes, I actually did wear his pants once to class, after I had gallbladder surgery! It was funny (since he's 6'4" and I'm 5'3").
Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep in? Lots of them actually, every night.
Do you like the way he smells? Yes, except when he farts :)
Can you picture having kids with him? Yes.
What bothers you the most about him? When he ignores me. I know it's unintentional, but still, it's not fun.
Does he have a temper? Very very rarely. I've seen it maybe once.
Are you happy to be with him? Yes!
Does he embarrass you in public? Not usually. I can't think of anything.
Does he smoke or do drugs? nope.
Does he have any piercings? nope.
Any tattoos? nope.
Does he have any scars that you know of? Yes, many from his childhood "adventures."
Is he a Party dude or Stay at home? Stay at Home guy, no doubt.
Is he Outgoing or Shy? He’s friendly, but I wouldn’t call him outgoing.
Does he love his mama? Yes! He's very much a family guy.
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? yeah he has before.
Sing? Yeah, the boy can sing. He doesn't anymore but I still swoon to hear some of the recordings he made for me in college. Hopefully he'll sing again in the future.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Domestic Bug
We should have some appliances moved in this weekend, which will be totally exciting! I'll take pictures.
Another subject: Last night we headed to Lowes to buy our shower tile. After about an hour of deliberations, we decided on matte finish white tile (6x6), with an accent border running through about 3/4 up the shower stall. After Andrew consented to letting me get the accent piece I wanted (a.k.a Andrew dislikes it) I decided to ask the Lowes-tile-lady's opinion. She said she loved it. When we were checking out, two Lowes people said how much they loved that tile piece.
Click on the link above to see the tile piece. The bathroom is nautical blue and will have brushed nickel fixtures and a silvery brushed nickel framed mirror. I thought this tile would be beautiful with it. Please give me your opinion!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Home Improvement: For Women
Since our hardwood floor guys weren't able to make it out yesterday, due to the snow, I was able to walk on the floors last night. So, while Andrew was writing his paper, I went out to the house and wired up a whole circuit . . . by myself . . . . and it even works . . . . I tested it all! I wired up 9 plugs (outlets) last night in the living room and they work. I am quite proud of myself. My plan is, when Andrew is putting up the backer board for my tile in the shower (much to heavy for me to lift) then I am going to help him out by wiring a few more plugs upstairs. Hopefully this will save him some time, since he's got a long to-do list before we call in a final inspection. We're still hoping to complete the tiling and electric this weekend so we can call in plumbing and electrical final (whoo hoo) inspections early next week. I'll post pictures after the weekend of the shower, and the electric.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
We are supposed to be having our hardwood floors finished however . . . due to circumstances that would be too long to go into here, the heater in our house does not keep it warm enough for the second coat of polyurethane (sorry for the misspelling) to go onto the floor. So we put some heaters out to the house, hoping to bring it up to 70 degrees! My desktop thermometer says 13 degrees, which is fairly warm considering the last 24 hours.
Our goal this weekend is to finish the shower tiling, kitchen counter and sink, and electric. That way, next week, we can have the plumbing finished, our geothermal heat hooked up (again, long story), and have a plumbing and electrical final inspection!
We are currently being hammered with a big snowstorm. I hope the roads are cleared by tomorrow, so that the hardwood floor guys can get out and finish our floors!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
2/3/07 House Pictures
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Memories and Poems
You have been an immoveable friend of the truest kind
You have held us through bitter winter winds and glorious summer evenings.
Your air is thick with innocence.
Your walls echo with the laughter of children and the comforting, familiar voices of the old.
You have a fire, ever burning—Started by the old, but fed and tended by the young.
In you, the simplest of things became majestic, grand events,
And the simplest of people were seen as royalty.
You sat humbly in a small corner of the world—scarcely recognized,
watching beautiful stories unfold—untainted by the world.
You saw how the true greats lived, And witnessed giants in the ways of love.
You beheld one of the greatest love stories ever told— Truest love of God and fellow man.
But you have seen sorrow, yes you have seen sorrow.
You saw death come like a thief in the night and take before it’s time.
You saw us sit by your ever burning fire and ask, Why?
You have watched the glowing embers of youth slowly die
And stood strong and steady as the old became weak and frail.
You have seen a thousand goodbyes,
Some fraught with tears and filled with wishes that we could stay in your sanctuary.
Yet you saw with us the truest beauty that exists on earth
And held it humbly and gently for these many years.
You have been an immoveable friend of the truest kind— We depart in reverence.