Saturday, August 30, 2008

When life isn't easy . . .

I have had a few posts written for some time that I will get around to posting but tonight my heart is heavy so I must write about other things on my mind.

First of all, my grandparents. My grandpa was diagnosed with prostate cancer (his second go-round) a few weeks ago and is in the midst of chemo treatment. Not fun! There is also a suspicion that my grandma's breast cancer is back. A suspicious lump on her lung is being monitored. I love these people and it makes me hurt to see them hurting. They are wonderful, hard-working people who love the Lord and have served Him faithfully for many years. My prayer for them is one of comfort and healing, that God will ease their discomfort and pain and will surround them with people to support them and lift them up. I hope I can be one of those people. I am also praying for a 100% recovery and healing from this awful thing we know as cancer.

Second of all, we learned today that some close friends of ours are separating. I'm not sure who all reads my blog, so I'm going to be purposefully vague about this as I do not want to cause any problems for them or other friends in our circle. However, my heart is burdened by this and very sad for them and their families. I firmly believe that full reconciliation and restoration are possible (isn't anything possible with God? Yes!). I am fervently praying for them . . . also for comfort and healing. Comfort for the one who feels that life, as it was known, is over and healing for their relationship. My heart is saddened by this because I have seen their love and devotion to each other in action.

So tonight I am writing this with a heavy heart. Life is just not easy sometimes!

If you are a praying person (or if you aren't! :) ) please join me in praying for these people, even though you may not know them or know their names. Tonight I am thankful for my heavy heart, as it will remind me to be in continual prayer for these family and friends who are hurting and in despair.

On my knees tonight . . .

1 comment:

D said...

Praying, Jaime!